
A Washington, DC native who grew up in the Maryland suburbs, I spent one year at Florida A&M University before extreme shyness and homesickness really got the better of me. I transferred to The University of Maryland Eastern Shore where I completed my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

After graduating, I worked as a Web Developer at several prestigious companies including IBM, National Geographic, and most recently Georgetown University Law Center. Over the course of my years as a developer, I gained expertise in WordPress CMS, User Training and Web Accessibility.

After leaving Georgetown in early 2020, I had the opportunity to take an informal month long sabbatical solo in Costa Rica. While much of this time was decompression from the rat race and life in general, In used part of the time to think about what I want to be when I grow up.

Upon my return, I founded my company, Astrid Digital, just in time for the pandemic to hit. (Talk about timing!) Astrid Digital specializes in social media strategy and marketing for small to medium businesses.

Around the same time, I began training as a voice over actor where I does work in audio description, corporate narration, e-learning and more. My dream is to voice a science documentary  – National Geographic or Discovery Channel style. You can learn more at my voice over website.

With my husband, I host a podcast called BlerdMom. We also produce several creative media projects including: The Cloud Podcast and Astrid Comics.

I am a nerdy, introverted, idealist. My favorite quote is

“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine – it’s lethal”. – Paulo Coelho 

My hobbies include dancing, baking, and archery, none of which I get enough time to do. I am a Capricorn and an INFP if you are into those sort of things.